
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Camper van promotes Euro election to encourage turnout

Euro election officials are using a camper van to encourage voter turnout in the election to the European Parliament on June 4.

Representatives of Renfrewshire Council's 'No Vote, No Voice' campaign are visiting communities across Renfrewshire in the run up to the election.

Having already visited Reid Kerr College, the University of the West of Scotland, Houston Square in Johnstone and Paisley town centre, the campaign team have confirmed another series of public information sessions.

Campaign staff will be taking the camper van to the following locations from 10am to 5pm on:

  • Monday June 01 Asda, Linwood
  • Tuesday June 02 County Square, Paisley

"We find people appreciate having easy access in their own communities to information about the Euro election," said a spokesperson for the 'No Vote, No Voice' campaign

"There's time for people to have all their questions answered about the European parliament and the important role it plays in our day to day lives.

"As the election draws nearer we're seeing an encouraging response in terms of people saying they are going to cast their vote and make their voice heard."


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